Ricardo Guerrero, MEd, LPC

Hello, my name is Ricardo. Counseling is something that I believe can be transformative for many reasons. Whether it’s to undergo self-exploration, heal from past trauma, work on interpersonal conflicts/marital conflicts, regulate anxiety or depression, or find meaning and purpose in life. I was born in McAllen Tx, lived in Houston when I was younger, went on to complete my undergrad at Texas State University, and returned to receive my masters in clinical mental health counseling from UTRGV. I have a multidisciplinary background working with adolescents, adults, and geriatric population. I have assisted clients work through issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, conflict resolution, existential dilemmas, and acute care with patients  who are admitted in a psychiatric hospital who are in crisis. I also have training in dream analysis and have used it to lead groups where I assist people in processing their dreams. I don’t ascribe to one specific approach, but rather use techniques from a multitude of theoretical orientations. On my free time, I enjoy reading, spending time with my dogs, relaxing by the pool, watching documentaries, and trying new food. I believe that therapy can be life-changing if fully engaged in the process. I am not only a therapist, but a client who once received therapy when I was younger. I can personally attest to the benefits of therapy and have grown in the process. I believe in an egalitarian process where both client and therapist grow and learn through the process. I look forward to this opportunity!